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IPFS News Link • Mass Shootings

"You Guys Looking For Me" - Brooklyn Subway Shooter Allegedly Calls Cops On Self

•, by Tyler Durden

"This is Frank. You guys are looking for me ... my phone is about to die." 

When police arrived at the McDonald's, James wasn't there. After canvassing the area, police found the shooter near St. Marks Place and First Avenue in the East Village around 1345 ET. The shooting suspect didn't resist during the arrest. 

James is being held at the 9th Precinct for questioning. We noted earlier that he would likely face federal terrorism charges and a life sentence in prison.

Investigators are expected to show James crossed state lines to commit the violent attack. 

"We hope this arrest brings some solace to the people of New York," NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell said. 

Update (1430ET): The NYPD have now confirmed the arrest, and also that the suspect will be hit with federal charges. Fox News is reporting that a tip to the NYPD's "crime stoppers" hotline helped police bring the suspect into custody, with citizens surreptitiously taking photos of the suspect on their phones, leading police to arrest him near St. Mark's Place.

An NYPD news conference is being held shortly.

After being introduced by John Miller, Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism at the NYPD, Mayor Adams proclaimed "my fellow New Yorkers: we got him" before thanking "everybody" who called in tips, and praised the investigators for bringing in the suspect less than 30 hours after the crime. He was arrested by officers from NYPD's 9th precinct. He will face federal terrorism charges, and will likely face a sentence of life in prison.
