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IPFS News Link • Economic Theory

Five Ways the Biden Administration Is Conspiring to Steal the Private Wealth of All Americans...

• The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges

There is a Fabian Socialist based plan to eliminate all private wealth, except for the elite. The purpose is to create a system of neofeudalism. This plot will successfully transfer all private wealth to the control of the administration. Is this the Beast system? The answer is most likely yes. Because the system is digital it can be planted in the hand or the forehead. It is becoming increasingly clear to this researcher that those that refuse the "mark" will teach the rest of us why FEMA camps have been prepared in recent times. 

Some politicians and media figures are beginning to figure out the plan, but their knowledge is woefully incomplete. Some of the more "aware" are  Senator Kennedy (LA-R), Secretary of the Treasury and former Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen, and Fox News host, Tucker Carlson. Yellen is the great enslaver, the others are trying to wrap their minds around the emerging plot.  Many are beginning to realize that when one considers the combination and net effect derived from the statements of these individuals, the message is clear. America isn't just entering a system of Godless Maxist-Communist rule, America is entering the realm of abject feudalism and all of its human rights violations and abuses. Truer words were never spoken when World Economic Forum leader, Klaus Schwab stated that "You will own nothing and love it." My hope is that people will foresake applying the lessons of history. Wherever there has been emerging communisim, civilians are murdered, in great numbers! This is coming to America and we are not far away from the realization of this plot. 

The War On Private Wealth

There is coming a time when the Biden administration is going to do three things in order to separate you and your from your private property/bank account:

1. In a well-publicized scheme, Blackrock has engaged in the artificial and intentional increase in home values. In a time of lockdown, the American real estate market should have been in severe decline, but because of Blackrock, the financial arm of the World Economic Forum, an over-bidding scheme was instituted and it drove up home values by 30%+! This has accomplished one goal for the Biden administartion, the elimination of home ownership for over one-third of the country. Additionally, it set the stage for the implementation of Janet Yellen's scheme to take American homes based on an appreciation tax caused these co-conspirators. See below for details. 
