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IPFS News Link • Employee and Employer Relations

Goldman Starts Electronically Monitoring Employees In Battle Over Office Attendance

• by Tyler Durden

According to Business Insider, Goldman has ratcheted up the pressure - and is now electronically monitoring who's coming in and out of the office, according to multiple sources.

Those who refuse to come to heel face disciplinary action, starting with a call from a manager or team leader, or being marked as out of the office.

Four current Goldman staffers told Insider that the firm is taking attendance by monitoring swipes into and out of its offices, including at its 200 West Street headquarters. A recent report from the New York Post, citing posts by Goldman employees on the workplace forum Blind, said some managers are also using spreadsheets to keep tabs on which teams are in the office the most. -BI

"They're definitely watching the swipes," said one Goldman investment banking analyst based in New York. "If you aren't in more than three to four times a week, you'll get a call from the business unit leaders reminding you of the expectation to be in the office."

According to another employee, and asset-management analyst, his entire unit was told at a meeting that they were being tracked, and could be penalized for late attendance.