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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

AI could replace human military commanders in making life or death decisions...


Modern military operations, whether it be combat, medical or disaster relief, require complex decisions to be made very quickly, and AI could be used to make them.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched a new program aimed at introducing artificial intelligence into the decision making process.

This is because, in a real world emergency situation, that might require instant choices between who does and doesn't get help, the answer isn't always clear and people disagree over the correct course of action - AI will make a quick decision.

The latest DARPA initiative, called 'In the Moment', will involve new technology that could take difficult decisions in stressful situations, using live analysis of data, such as the condition of patients in a mass-casualty event and drug availability.  

It comes as the U.S. military increasingly leans on technology to reduce human error, with DARPA arguing removing human bias from decision making will 'save lives'.

The new AI will take two years to train, then another 18 months to prepare, before it is likely to be used in a real world scenario, according to DARPA.

'AI is great at counting things,' Sally A. Applin, an expert in the interaction of AI and ethics, told Washington Post, adding 'I think it could set a precedent by which the decision for someone's life is put in the hands of a machine.'