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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Winner and Losers in the Ukraine Crisis

• Jacob Hornberger - FFF

The biggest loser are the people of Ukraine. They are being killed, injured, and maimed by the Russian invasion of their country. The invasion is also destroying their homes, businesses, and, well, their entire country.

The Ukrainian people are also the big losers because of the person they have as their president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Yes, I know, the U.S. mainstream press compares Zelenskyy to George Washington but the fact is that Washington would never have sacrificed his own citizenry for the sake of pleasing a foreign power. That's what Zelenskyy has done. He's willing to sacrifice tens of thousands of Ukrainian citizens for the sake of pleasing bureaucrats within the U.S. government.

After all, when all is said and done, Zelenskyy was faced with a choice: give up any interest in Ukraine joining the old Pentagon-CIA-controlled Cold War dinosaur known as NATO or suffer a deadly and destructive invasion by Russia that would inevitably wreak massive death and destruction in Ukraine. Zelenskyy chose his love of NATO over his loyalty to the Ukrainian people. When he chose NATO, he knew full well that the price of that choice would be a Russian invasion that would kill, injure, and maim tens of thousands of his countrymen and destroy untold amounts of homes, businesses, and infrastructure.