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IPFS News Link • Oil

Two weeks of War undoes thirty years of energy propaganda: Everyone wants fossil fuels


There is pandemonium on the markets and suddenly many nations want to be energy sufficient. It's perhaps not The Great Reset than the collective-types were expecting?

The gas flows from Russia to the EU are sporadically tightening, and the Yamal-Europe line has been cut off. Gas in Europe is now trading at €340/MWh which is fully 22 times the long term average. Newcastle coal normally trades around $60 per ton, but now is over $400 USD.

A few days ago the former head of MI6 in the UK called for an immediate lifting of the frakking ban which was set to see concrete poured down the only two shale gas wells in England by March 15th. Thirty-five Tory MPs and four peers sent a letter to Boris demanding the same thing.  Now even Boris Johnson is suggesting the Green targets could be relaxed, not just for Britain, but for all the West.  He went so far as to suggest The West could give itself a "climate change pass" while we figure out how to get energy that isn't Russian gas.

Thanks to NetZeroWatch

So much for the end of Fossil Fuels
