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IPFS News Link • China

China Warns U.S. Against Forming Pacific NATO and Backing Taiwan

•, Bloomberg News

Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his annual news briefing Monday that the "real goal" of the U.S.'s Indo-Pacific strategy was to form Asia's answer to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. China has often accused the U.S. of trying to form blocs to suppress its growth, a complaint that's likely to attract greater attention after President Vladimir Putin cited similar grievances before his invasion of Ukraine. 

"The perverse actions run counter to the common aspiration of the region for peace, development, cooperation and win-win outcomes," Wang added. "They are doomed to fail." 

Complaints about U.S. efforts to strengthen its alliance network in Asia were among several points of contention raised by Wang in the almost two-hour briefing on the sidelines of the National People's Congress in Beijing. The senior diplomat repeatedly alluded to the U.S. as the source of problems with countries around the globe and issued some of China's most pointed warnings yet against calls to expand U.S. ties with Taiwan.

"This would not only push Taiwan into a precarious situation, but will also bring unbearable consequences for the U.S. side," Wang said on the sidelines of the National People's Congress in Beijing, later adding: "Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland."

Several Asian nations -- like their counterparts on Russia's European frontier -- have sought closer security ties with the U.S. to keep from being dominated by the region's biggest player. China has active border disputes with neighbors including Japan, India and Vietnam and has stepped up military, diplomatic and economic pressure on Taiwan, sending warplanes on some 960 forays through the island's air defense identification zone last year.

The Biden administration outlined efforts to push back against growing Chinese clout in its Indo-Pacific strategy released last month. The U.S. has sought to build a coalition of democracies around the world, including both traditional treaty partners such as Japan and new grouping such as the Quad, including also Australia and India.
