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IPFS News Link • China

China Mandates COVID-Zero Policy, Shenzhen People Desperate For Food

• by Nichole Hao

Residents in Shenzhen, a city with multiple districts reporting outbreaks of COVID-19, complained that they were surrounded by "trash mountains" and in desperate need of food due to the lockdown.

"On the evening of Feb. 28, a neighbor tried to jump off the building from his apartment. Other neighbors told me that he has depression and hadn't eaten for two days. He lost all hope and tried to commit suicide," Lin Dai (pseudonym), a resident of Shangshadong village in the city of Shenzhen, told the Chinese-language Epoch Times on March 2.

"After we were locked down at home, we couldn't go out to buy food. I tried to order online, but it was very difficult to find food that can be delivered to us," Lin said.

"I know a young woman who lives in my building. She only has rice and pickles at home. She tries to eat as little as possible, and has eaten only one or two bowls of congee with pickles every day in the past days."

"We continually called the authorities for help and were told they don't have enough manpower to take care of the residents who are under lockdown," Lin said. "Finally, the regime sent us milk and apples this morning and some fast food and vegetables at noon."

Home Grown Food