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IPFS News Link • Ukraine

24 Things That I Think That I Think About How The War In Ukraine Is Going

• by Michael Snyd

 It should have been so easy for global leaders to sit down and come up with a plan that would have satisfied everybody, but it is too late for that at this point.  Now that Ukraine has been invaded, there is no turning back.  The world will never be the same after this, and everybody around the planet should be crying out for peace.  Because now that World War 3 has begun, all of us are in danger.  If nuclear missiles start flying back and forth, hundreds of millions of people will end up dead.

I have been voraciously following coverage of the war in Ukraine, and both sides are definitely trying to make themselves look as good as possible.  As a result, social media and major news outlets are being flooded with photos and videos that are supposedly from the war.  In some cases they are accurate, but in other cases they are not.  In fact, some of the most viral material has already been proven to be completely fake, and you need to be careful because in many instances viral videos are actually being used to raise money for fake charities.