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Misinformation superspreader CNN covers study that shows ivermectin saves lives, --

• by Lance D Johnson

The efficacy of ivermectin was studied at twenty Malaysian hospitals and quarantine centers between May and October 2021. The open-label, randomized clinical trial was titled, Efficacy of Ivermectin Treatment on Disease Progression Among Adults with Mild to Moderate COVID-19 and Comorbidities, the I-TECH Randomized Clinical Trial. The study tested a five-day course of ivermectin on hospitalized covid patients 50 years and older with mild to moderate disease and pre-existing comorbidities. The placebo group received basic standards of care, which did not include any nutraceuticals or anti-viral treatments. The standard of care in this study merely included symptom management and monitoring for signs of early deterioration, including laboratory tests and chest imaging. The ivermectin group, on the other hand, received .4 mg/kg of ivermectin over a five-day period, in conjunction with these same basic standards of care.