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The New 'Russiagaters': Right-Wingers Channel Hillary in Attacks on Biden

•, by daniel mcadams

A "real man" president would have imposed costs so prohibitive that Putin would never have dreamed of recognizing what has been de facto reality since 2014: that the Russian-speaking part of Ukraine wants no part of the US-installed government in Kiev.

So goes the thinking of the armchair right-wingers. And I don't even mean neocons: plenty of those now scoring body blows on our president-on-the-ropes are Trumpers and even populists. The question to these "weak Biden" jaw-boners remains: what would you have done to show how "tough" you are that would sufficiently terrify the Russian president into accepting US missiles on (what would be) NATO-member Ukraine's soil? Nuke Moscow out of the blue? And sacrifice the United States in the process?

That's "pro-America"? Killing America?

These are not serious people. In fact they are carbon copies of their supposed nemeses like Rachel Maddow and Adam Schiff.

Former (Trump) White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who I am sure is pleasant enough, has dusted off her camos and is declaring war on Biden for "showing weakness" that invited Putin to rampage through Europe reconstituting the Third Reich...or something like that:
