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The Media's Odd Double Standard On Evidence Required For Claims Of An Impending Attack

• Caitlin Johnstone - Substack

I've highlighted a key repeating phrase we've been seeing in a few quotes to help you spot the difference between the way the western media cover unevidenced claims about a future attack by Moscow and unevidenced claims about a future attack by Kyiv:

"Russian-backed separatists, who have been fighting the Ukrainian government for years, have asserted, without evidence, that Ukraine was planning a large-scale attack on territory they control."
~ The New York Times, February 19

"Denis Pushilin, head of the self-proclaimed 'Donetsk People's Republic,' announced the evacuation in a video posted on social media. He claimed without evidence that Kyiv was planning its own military assault on the region in the country's east where the Moscow-supported separatists have been fighting government forces since 2014."
~ NBC, February 18

"Dmitry Peskov, the top Kremlin spokesperson, then commented that 'the situation near the borders of Russia can ignite at any moment,' insisting without evidence that Ukraine's forces had taken "provocative actions that have only intensified in the last day or several days."
~ Politico, February 17

"Price said the United States was particularly concerned by Russian President Vladimir Putin saying, without evidence, that 'genocide' was taking place in eastern Ukraine's Donbass region."
~ Reuters, February 17

"On Friday, the Tass news agency reported, without evidence, that the head of the self-proclaimed separatist territory of Donetsk had announced the discovery of 130 mass graves of "victims of Ukrainian aggression."
~ The Washington Post, February 11

"While massing troops around Ukraine, Russian officials have made repeated claims, without evidence, that Kyiv was planning to attack Russia or Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine rather than the other way round."
~ The Guardian, February 4