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U.S. Reportedly Accuses Financial Blog Zero Hedge Of Publishing Russian Propaganda

• Forbes

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Zero Hedge has republished stories from Russian state-controlled outlets, amplifying them to a larger audience, unnamed intelligence officials told the AP, though they didn't accuse Zero Hedge of direct ties to Russia or specify whether the site knowingly spread propaganda.

The AP noted Zero Hedge has published several articles critical of the U.S. stance on Ukraine that were bylined by the Strategic Culture Foundation, which the Biden Administration sanctioned last year for alleged election interference and publicly accused of being controlled by Russia's foreign intelligence service.

Zero Hedge denied any links to Russian intelligence and called the AP's article a "bizarre hit piece" in a post Tuesday.

Zero Hedge described the Strategic Culture Foundation as one of many outfits that provide guest posts to the site, and it told Forbes in an email it doesn't "screen or editorialize our contributors or guest posters … as we believe our readers are intelligent enough to make up their own minds about the merits of any given article."