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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Political

The Terror

•, NickelthroweR

  I'm not a popular guy over at r/antiwork and my comments usually get downvoted into the negative.  But, this was my first ever post over at the site and I was curious as to what the 4 or 5 commenters would have to say about what I had written but it wasn't 4 or 5 commenters.  I looked at the numbers in disbelief and then I looked again and that was when I felt the first twinge of terror.

For those of you that do not know, r/antiwork is a forum populated by fierce/brave Communists that wish to destroy Capitalism so that they can all receive UBI so that they can focus on being Influencers, Podcasters and YouTubers.  After all, they did figure out that work is difficult, and they most certainly want to share that philosophy with everyone so as to justify their lifetime free ride of goods and services that are OWED to them.
