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IPFS News Link • Children

The continued forced masking of children is now plain child abuse --


Future generations will look back on the masking of children with abject horror.

It will be a source of shame; a symbol of the anti-science psychosis that has swept so much of our country, encouraged by our decadent elites, who care only about their own comfort and 'safety' as opposed to what is best for innocent children and their mental and emotional development.

Shame on all of us for letting it go this far.

Shame on anyone who is not screaming at the top of their lungs for this madness to end.

We are not in March 2020. We are fast approaching March of 2022. Covid-19 is not the incredibly deadly Ebola virus.

New studies are coming out every day with alarming findings.

A York University study in the UK, found that children find it more difficult than adults to recognize people wearing face masks, which could affect their ability to make friends.