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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

Is Population Control the Next Conspiracy "Theory" to Become a Reality?

•, by Tyler Durden

Yet, as is typically the case, the caricaturization of those premises into an idea constructed in the form of a straw man that can easily be defeated is done to control the narrative enveloping those subjects so that they aren't examined in good faith. 

Time and time again, these supposed "conspiracy theories" end up becoming ostensible realities. The recent deterioration of diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia illustrates this point in spades. Years, if not weeks or even days ago, anyone forewarning of a "false flag" attack would branded as someone wearing a tinfoil hat who has been watching too much InfoWars. That vapid attempt of character assassination completely rejects any examination about the idea that a nation would stage a crisis to create a cassus belli. In this instance, that tendency to overlook facts to focus on ostracizing dissent occurred time and time against despite the declassification of Operation Northwoods, a document which literally proves the long-standing use of this tactic, years ago. Now, the Pentagon and community of US intelligence agencies have cited the formerly outlandish "conspiracy theory" as a provocation for military engagement against the Russian Federation, an adversary its been guilty of concocting many of its own actual conspiracy theories against. How quickly the tables turn.

With that in mind, it's fair to say that typecasting the idea that a global political entity would be focused on population control as another baseless conspiracy theory without actually investigating the claim would be naive. A premise that was once epitomized by outlandish things like speculation of Operation Bluebeam unfolding or FEMA camps emerging ends up being, as typically is the case, rooted in a nuanced explanation emerging from an examination of events in recent history.

The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020 puts the once veiled facts surrounding organized efforts at population control into the plain light of day. Appropriately, many of the supranational non-governmental organizations, government officials, and magnates of industry who have been entrusted as the leaders tasked with constructing a pandemic response have evident ties to a worldview and political ideology that centers around the need population control enacted through global governance.
