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IPFS News Link • Millenial Generation

'Anti-Work' Reddit Goes Private After Moderator Gives Cringe Fox News Interview

• by Tyler Durden

A 30yo moderator named "Doreen," a self-proclaimed dog-walker who works 20 to 25 hours per week, spoke with Fox News anchor Jesse Watters about the subreddit where users discuss the need for labor reforms due to overworking, terrible pay, and awful pandemic working conditions. 

Watters told Doreen he disagreed with the group, saying it suppressed ambition.

"Why do you like the idea of being home, not working, but still getting paid by corporate America," Watters asked.

"We're a movement where we want to reduce the amount of work people feel they are forced to do," Doreen said. "We want to put it in effort, put in labor, but we don't necessarily want to be in a position where we feel trapped."

Unconvinced, Watters told the moderator about the potential consequences of preaching anti-work. "It sounds like people are being lazy. Are you encouraging people to be lazy?"

"It's good to have rest, that doesn't mean you should rest all the time or not be putting time into things you care about," Doreen responded.