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IPFS News Link • China

CCP Expels 1st Official For Being Too Rich & Corrupt As Xi Pushes "Common Prosperity" Crac

• by Tyler Durden

- violations that happen to be not just common, but absolutely essential to the Chinese economy, where connections to the government often leads to economic power.

After cracking down on the country's biggest tech firms, abolishing the private tutoring industry, limiting minors to just a few hours of video games a week and launching an incipient corruption campaign, many Chinese are still wondering how President Xi's "Common Prosperity" drive will affect them. The President has taken pains to reassure them that money seized from "monopolists" and other economic abusers will be repurposed for the public good, particularly in China's underdeveloped rural areas.

And like any of China's previous "anti-corruption campaigns" (including the anti-corruption drive President Xi used to sideline his enemies early during his first term as China's paramount leader), it's inevitable that some heads belonging to senior Communists will roll.