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Russian 'False Flag' In Ukraine Story Emerged After CIA Director Secretly Visited Kiev

• by Tyler Durden

CNN has now disclosed that the sensational charge against Moscow that it's prepping "potential sabotage operations against their own forces" - as Bloomberg described it last Friday - was likely made known to CIA Director William Burns during a secretive January 12 visit to Kiev where he met with President Volodymyr Zelensky and top officials.

As we described days ago, the allegation was dubious from the start as it was based on the usual "anonymous" and "unnamed" US intelligence officials.

During Burns' now officially acknowledged trip, he and Ukraine's intelligence leaders discussed "current assessments of risk to Ukraine" - and according to CNN's Natasha Bertrand, and then US officials "disclosed the alleged Russian false flag plot soon after."

Meanwhile, on Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov again blasted the US claims (and we might add, what appear to be the evidence-free allegations spun in Kiev), telling the US it's peddling "total disinformation" with the false flag narrative.

Further, Lavrov reiterated "that Russia expects a written response this week from the U.S. and its allies to Moscow's request for binding guarantees that NATO will not embrace Ukraine or any other ex-Soviet nations, or station its forces and weapons there," the AP writes.