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IPFS News Link • Stock Market

Foreign Holdings Of US Treasuries Hit A Record High In November

• by Tyler Durden

So, the big question is - did global central banks continue to dump bonds into this late-rally or did they flip-flop back to buyers of the world's most liquid reserve asset?

The answer is - they were back to big buyers...

Today's (latest) TIC data (for November) shows that foreign holdings of US government debt rose to a new record $7.75 trillion.

Foreign purchases of corporate stock +$7.2BN, biggest monthly increase since August, and follows sales of $11BN in Sept and $21.8BN in Oct

Foreign Purchases of corporate bonds +9.8BN, 4th month of purchases in a row

Foreign purchases of agencies $19.6BN, 56th consecutive month of foreign purchases of Agencies
