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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

Here's Why 2022 Will Be the Year of Central Bank Digital Currencies

•, by International Man

He's known for spotting Big Picture geopolitical and economic trends ahead of the crowd and seeing crises before they come.

Nick has been to countless countries that have experienced hyperinflation and financial crises… including Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Haiti, Turkey, Argentina, Syria, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Colombia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Iran, and many other volatile places most people wouldn't dare go to.

He knows what really happens during a monetary "reset"… and what you should do.

Nick's insights are particularly urgent today…

That's because The US is on the cusp of its worst crisis in nearly a century.

You'll find all the details in the discussion with Nick below.


International Man: The calls to implement a digital dollar are growing louder.

The European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde openly admits to pursuing a digital euro.

The Chinese government is perhaps furthest along. They are already testing a digital yuan.

What is going on here with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)?

Nick Giambruno: It's clear there is an effort by some of the most powerful people in the world to bring about a cashless society. CBDCs are a big part of that.

If they are successful, the government would have complete knowledge of—and control over—every transaction you make.

If you're disobedient, they would be able to turn off your ability to transact at the push of a button, or they could charge you a fee whenever you did something they didn't like.