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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings



The Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement is a serious effort undertaken by people worldwide who desire to live together in freedom and peace.  We are united by a commitment to oppose all forms of aggression whether instituted by any person, group, organization, or government, and to inspire people to be good humans.  We must succeed.

Despite good-faith disagreements on many issues, if we unite around one fundamental principle, we could achieve and maintain freedom and peace in a way that optimizes human happiness and well-being better than ever previously achieved in human history.

Utopia is not a reasonable goal.  We should recognize and accept life will never be perfect.  However, it could be improved dramatically for the vast majority of people.  There is no need to check your ethics, common sense, or reasonable skepticism at the door.  If you are open-minded, reasonable, and willing to consider a new paradigm for how we govern ourselves, you may be inspired to join the global effort to achieve freedom and peace.

We each have different opinions, ideas, and beliefs about the world.  We also have different interests, aptitudes, goals, and desires.  We value things differently.  I am happy to offer you my advice about how you should live your life, but because we define our personal happiness differently, I do not know for sure what is in your long-term best interest.  As adults, neither of us has any valid claim to be in charge of the other.  In that way, we are equal.  I absolutely respect your right to be in charge of your life.