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IPFS News Link • Wall Street

Jamie Dimon One-Ups Goldman: Says He Would Be "Surprised" With Just 4 Rate-Hikes

•, by Tyler Durden

As often happens on the rare occasion when stock markets are red, the producers at CNBC, who are paid by advertisers who all have an interest in pumping the market, typically panic and make desperate calls to powerful people who can help restore "confidence" in the market.

More often than not, it seems, their first call is to JPM CEO Jamie Dimon, the most trusted (by the people who participate in financial markets) megabank CEO on Wall Street.

And today, he had a convenient excuse, appearing to purportedly pitch a new health initiative in connection with the firm's health-care conference.

Coombs led with the most important stuff first, asking Dimon directly about Goldman's call for four rate hikes in 2022 (which we said earlier has no chance of happening), and whether he thinks the Fed can still engineer a "soft landing."

CNBC's Jim Cramer quipped in response that Dimon was "taking the over" on the number of rate hikes this year.