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IPFS News Link • Employment & Jobs

This Is What Happens When Millions Of Workers Disappear From The System…

• by Michael Snyd

And as I discussed earlier this week, countless other workers either died or became incapacitated last year.  As a result, our society is descending into a state of utter chaos and basic services are breaking down all around us.

Let me give you a perfect illustration of what I am talking about.  On Sunday, a man in St. Louis called 911 because his brother needed to go to the hospital, and it took 10 hours for the ambulance to get there…

A St. Louis man said it took 10 hours for an ambulance to arrive to help his brother who fell ill Sunday afternoon.

Jesse Shaw said his older brother, Wilbert, is now in the hospital fighting for his life. Shaw said his brother woke up in so much pain, he couldn't move.

If I called 911 and it took an ambulance 10 minutes to come, I would be greatly upset.

Can you imagine waiting for 10 hours?

That is crazy.
