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IPFS News Link • Self-Help: Rational Living

25 Subjects for Basic Life Skills

• Organic Prepper - Meadow Clark

A couple years ago, I compiled a list of 25 basic life skills that should be taught in school (but aren't).

The readers all chimed in with some great additions to the list. Some of you had thoughtful objections. Interestingly, a lot of you called for a curriculum for each class.

I had no idea there would be a great interest in more class material for these hypothetical classes for life skills.

As I said before, it's not the government's job to bring up children, nor should it be. But for all the time spent in school, wouldn't 'it be ideal if young people left with skills that would truly enrich their lives?

I'm not the only one saying we need to train our children better in basic life skills.

A lot of young people get tossed into the world and must learn the hard way how to navigate important life skills like personal finance and career searches. They sometimes discover these painful lessons by crawling back out of debt and spending hours pouring over books. Since 2018 – when I wrote that past article – there have been calls to teach finance in high school.
