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IPFS News Link • Russia

Exit Nord Stream 2, Enter Power of Siberia 2

•, By Pepe Escobar

Coming straight from President Putin, it did sound like a bolt from the sky:

"We need long-term legally binding guarantees even if we know they cannot be trusted, as the U.S. frequently withdraws from treaties that become uninteresting to them. But it's something, not just verbal assurances."

And that's how Russia-U.S. relations come to the definitive crunch – after an interminable series of polite red alerts coming from Moscow.

Putin once again had to specify that Russia is looking for "indivisible, equitable security" – a principle established since Helsinki in 1975 – even though he no longer sees the U.S. as a dependable "partner", that diplomatically nicety so debased by the Empire since the end of the USSR.

The "frequently withdrawing from treaties" passage can easily be referred to as Washington in 2002 under Bush Jr. pulling out of the ABM treaty signed between the U.S. and the USSR in 1972. Or it could be referred to as the U.S. under Trump destroying the JCPOA signed with Iran and guaranteed by the UN. Precedents abound.

Putin was once again exercising the Taoist patience so characteristic of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: explaining the obvious not only to a Russian but also a global audience. The Global South may easily understand this reference; "When international law and the UN Charter interfere, they [the U.S.] declare it all obsolete and unnecessary."

Earlier, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko had been uncommonly assertive – leaving nothing for the imagination:

"We just make it clear that we are ready to talk about switching over from a military or a military-technical scenario to a political process that will strengthen the security of all countries in the area of the OCSE, Euro-Atlantic and Eurasia. If that doesn't work out, we signaled to them [NATO] that we will also move over to creating counter threats, but it will then be too late to ask us why we made these decisions and why we deployed these systems."