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IPFS News Link • Police State

UK Plans to Send Squads Door-to-Door to "Encourage" the "Hesitant"

• Organic Prepper - Jeff Thompson

Door-to-door squads. We've seen it all.

We've witnessed the creation of "camps." We've witnessed the American government hiring internment and resettlement specialists. [source]

We've witnessed Australia round up children, separate them from their parents, and then march them into an armed men-surrounded stadium for the jab.

And now, the United Kingdom is gearing up to send door-to-door squads throughout its English-occupied country. Honestly, this shouldn't surprise anybody by this point. This is exactly what the "conspiracy theorists" have been predicting by looking at the stepping stones of current events for two years now. And though America has already gotten a brief taste of what this is like, let us once more consider what this means…