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IPFS News Link • Investigations

Unprecedented Arrests of Military and Police Surveillance Officers in Denmark


Three appeared before Copenhagen's City Court yesterday (December 10). To fængslet i hemmeligt grundlovsforhør: Medarbejdere anholdt for lækager fra FE og PET | Indland | DR

The court forbad media coverage.  The nine-hour indictment hearing was held behind double locked doors. Denmarks Radio (DR), the public service radio-television-online medium, learned only that three of the four were heard in court, one was released and two remanded in custody. There is no information about the fourth person arrested.

FE is the equivalent to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. While the FE jurisdiction also covers military intelligence, they must not spy on Danish people—only foreigners and those in other countries. The Police Intelligence Service (PET) surveils Danes, as the FBI surveils people within the U.S. The constitution forbids blanket spying on any Danish resident without court approval.

Trine Maria Ilsoee, DR legal reporter, wrote that there is "nearly no precedence" of an internal investigation into PET and FE." If found guilty they could end up in prison for 12 years. [i]

As of now, the public does not know what the leaking is about. Ilsoee mentions two possibilities. One of those is Denmark's biggest spying scandal to date.

Last May, Denmarks Radio (DR) published information provided by at least one FE whistleblower exposing how Danish governments (right and so-called left) have been violating its own constitution by spying upon all its inhabitants and upon its closest neighbor leaders. EXPOSED: Denmark Banana Kingdom Unclothed in Bed with US Spy Agency – This Can't Be Happening! ( (Based partly upon the Danish piece: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste lod USA spionere mod Angela Merkel, franske, norske og svenske toppolitikere gennem danske internetkabler | Indland | DR  [ii]