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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Over 7,000 Marines Unvaccinated As COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Deadline Hits

•, by Zachary Stieber

The COVID-19 vaccine mandate was Nov. 28.

Some 95 percent of active-duty Marines had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose by the deadline but that leaves nearly 7,400 who have not gotten a jab.

"I have great appreciation for all those who made these vaccinations possible, including the civilian and Navy medical personnel who worked tirelessly over the past months to protect our Marines and families," said Gen. David Berger, commandant of the Marines, in a statement.

Of the unvaccinated, 452 have been granted a temporary administrative exemption, 316 have been granted a temporary medical exemption, and 14 have been granted a permanent medical exemption, according to the Marines.

The remaining members without a jab face being discharged if they aren't granted an exemption. Sean Timmons, a managing partner at Tully Rinckey, says none of his clients are yet to face an initiation of separation, though they are being threatened with it verbally.

Like every other military branch to date, the Marines have approved zero religious accommodation requests. Some 2,441 such requests have been lodged, and

Zero religious accommodation requests have been approved. Over three-quarters of the 2,441 requests have been rejected.

"It looks extremely concerning. It's also problematic," Timmons told The Epoch Times, adding that members who are separated after their religious exemption requests are turned down will likely have a strong case in court.

Lawyers representing military members fighting the mandates say the Religious Freedom Restoration Act requires military branches to provide accommodation for religious practices, including, generally, from vaccine requirements.

But military branches informed a court earlier this month that no exemptions have been granted and none have yet signaled that's changed.

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