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IPFS News Link • Big Pharma

COVID Propaganda Roundup: Big Pharma Is Getting Its Biotech Into Your Body by Any Means Necessary

•, by Ben Bartee

Like any committed gang rapists would be, Big Pharma and the corporate state are dead-set on inserting their genetic material into your body — voluntarily or not, through one hole or the other.

"By any means necessary"

-Fauci X

With their eyes on the prize – you and your family's orifices – here are their latest innovative schemes.

'Grow and Eat Your Own Vaccines': Frankenfood to Become mRNA Factories

They want to genetically modify plants to produce the same mRNA that is in the vaccines.

Via UC Riverside:

"'Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person' said Juan Pablo Giraldo, an associate professor in UCR's Department of Botany and Plant Sciences who is leading the research."

Kale used to be great for the body – tons of vitamin K, C, B-complex, even omega-3s, etc. Now the green superfood will become a vector for experimental mRNA "vaccines" (that aren't really vaccines)*. And you won't even know your salad is an mRNA minefield.

*Leaked CDC Emails: ' Our Definition of Vaccine is 'Problematic'

The CDC, as previously reported by The Daily Bell, changed the definition of "vaccine" on its webpages earlier this year. The agency previously claimed these alterations were simply routine updates to The Science©, and therefore questioning their motives was heresy to Neoliberal Church© orthodoxy. One must respect the Science©.