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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Great News: Biden's Vaccine Mandate is Falling Apart!

• by Ron Paul

They have leverage and they are using it. We should support them.

Grocery shelves are bare, shipping containers continue to float offshore, firehouses in New York are shut down, the Los Angeles County Sheriff warns that, in the middle of a crime wave, half of his deputies may quit or be fired. Airlines are citing non-existent "weather problems" to excuse the fact that their employees are rebelling against forced covid shots.

The country is teetering on the edge of an economic abyss and the Biden Administration is doubling down. The only question is how far down the President is willing to drag his party and his own approval numbers to continue to push an unconstitutional, deeply unpopular, and thoroughly tyrannical forced vaccine on the population.

If the vaccine provided a high level of immunity from the virus that did not wane over time, encouraging people to take the shot – which uses experimental technology – might make some sense, though mandating it would still be immoral and illegal.