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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Wonder Woman Dr. Theresa Long Arrives in the Nick of Time to Expose Vaccine Injuries Within DoD


Five weeks ago I wrote of an Army Flight Surgeon named Lt. Colonel Dr. Theresa Long, MD, of Ft. Rucker, Alabama (home of US Army Aviation). Dr. Long had provided a disturbing yet riveting affidavit for use in Dr. Simone Gold's case demanding that the DoD stop its mandatory vaccination program at least for anyone who had recovered from Covid. Given the strength of Dr. Long's affidavit, the suit was expanded into a claim that all DoD mandatory vaccinations should stop.

Within 24 hours of publishing Dr. Long's affidavit, we had 160,000 people show up and read it. That was a record for DeepCapture.

Sadly, several days later I got word that Dr. Long's affidavit had been "withdrawn" according to her lawyers and she was unavailable to speak to anyone. It happened immediately after Marine Lt. Colonel Scheller was put in the brig, and methought something like that had happened to Dr. Long or she had been threatened that way. I did not want to write about it lest I create any trouble for her.

Dr. Long surfaced today in a hearing in the United States Senate held by Senator Ron Johnson, and Theresa ain't backin' down from nuttin'. I would guess that what happened is she did get threatened and may have tried to slip out of things, but then the Senator got in touch and once she took their call and was sworn in, she had a duty to speak the truth (and the Senate has a duty to shield her and her career from repercussions).