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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

UK Stats Show 82% of COVID-19 Deaths and 66% of Hospitalizations were --

• by Brian Shilhavy

The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through October 20, 2021, for the three experimental COVID "vaccines" currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna.

They report a total of 1,738 deaths and 1,243,998 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections.

Here are the breakdowns from the three shots:

AstraZeneca: 1111 deaths and 835,090 injuries. (Source.)

Pfizer- BioNTech: 576 deaths and 350,870 injuries. (Source.)

Moderna: 20 deaths and 54,555 injuries. (Source.)

Unspecified COVID-19 injections: 31 deaths and 3,483 injuries. (Source.)

The UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) also reported yesterday that the majority of COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations for the past month have occurred among those fully vaccinated, proving again that either the COVID-19 shots are ineffective, or even worse, contributing to people's deaths and hospitalizations.

THE EXPOSÉ reports: