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3 Best Camping Fans to Keep Cool in 2021

• RV Lifestyle

The best camping fan can turn those hot days into an enjoyable and relaxing experience.

There is nothing like sitting in the cool air from your outdoor fan while also enjoying the great outdoors.

That is why I have compiled a list of what to look for in a camping fan, with some recommendations of my favorites at the end. That way you can find the best camping fan for you and your set-up.

They may be small in size, but camping fans have come a long way when it comes to quality and power. In other words, what once was a small personal fan now packs a punch of power!

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7 Things to Look for in a Camping Fan

When looking for a camping fan, you may want to consider additional features that go beyond its portable design. The following is my list of the best features to consider.

Compact Design

When shopping, don't equate a bigger model with more power. There are compact designs that still blow a lot of air.

So, I recommend first looking at fans that have a small, compact design that won't take up much space in your RV.

In addition, you may want to look for a design that includes a carry handle. It's a convenient feature that is often overlooked until you start lugging the fan around.

?Rechargeable Battery

Fans with rechargeable batteries can offer a more predictable battery life. You can easily connect the USB cable to the power bank whenever you need to operate the fan.

Some fans require the use of D-cell batteries, which is not always the best power source. They can be cumbersome, and take up your precious cargo space. In addition, if you forget to purchase new batteries to take on the trip, you may find yourself with a dead fan.

A rechargeable fan is also an excellent option if you have solar panels. Your solar panel may have a USB port available to plug in devices to charge.

In that case, you would have a power source right at your fingertips. Say goodbye to lugging around those D batteries!