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IPFS News Link • Education: Government Schools

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson refuses to back down, says LGBTQ filth doesn't belong in schools

•, by: Ethan Huff

In a laudable display of unrelenting fortitude and conviction, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is standing firm in defense of "controversial" statements he recently made concerning how public school children should not be learning about homosexuality, transgenderism and other such "filth" in the classroom.

For those who missed it, Robinson appeared at Asbury Baptist Church in Seagrove, N.C., back in June where he preached about the evil that is being taught in America's public schools. Our country's youth are being indoctrinated into accepting LGBTQ perversion as normal, he suggested, and such content simply should not be part of children's school curriculum.

"There is no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, and of that filth," Robinson said in the sermon.

"And yes, I called it filth and if you don't like that I called it filth come see me and I'll explain it to you. It's time to stop letting these children be abused at these schools and it's not going to happen until the people of God stand up and demand different."

After video of the sermon circulated, Robinson was "viciously attacked," he says, by the media and leftist politicians. Robinson was accused of being an intolerant bigot, and many are now demanding that he step down from his position in government and walk away in shame.

Robinson has indicated that he will do no such thing, however. He recently recorded a video update in which he reiterated that he will not be resigning, nor will he allow himself to be "bullied by the immoral left" into changing his rhetoric about this important issue.

Robinson believes wholeheartedly that children should be learning to read, write, and do arithmetic at school, not how to have anal sex and engage in pedophilia, or how to hate people with fair skin.