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IPFS News Link • Senate/Senators

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) introduces legislation to BLOCK interstate travel checkpoints...

•, by: S.D. Wells

Yes, there are a handful of Senators and Representatives who still care about the Republic and didn't just 'join' Congress for the money, power and control. Take for instance Senator Rick Scott from Florida, who has the guts and the love for America to stand in the way of the most tyrannical regime the USA has ever experienced on our own turf.

Are you ready for state troopers, FEMA's SS goons, HHS thugs, National Guard boots (NATO mercenaries) and DHS troops to stop your automobile between US states to check you (and any kids you have) for updated vaccine passports proving you've had several clot shots, proving your government-issued gene therapy medication is up to date?

"May I see your vaccine papers sir/ma'am? … I see you and your wife have NOT had your Covid booster shots yet and that your 4-year old twins are not vaccinated at all. I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle and put your hands on the hood." Sen. Rick Scott knows this is what's next for America under the CCP/CDC/Biden Regime, so he has introduced a 3-page landmark piece of legislation that would roadblock (pun intended) future road blocks all over American roads, preventing the non-vaccinated from traveling from state to state, but that's not all.

The legislation, titled the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act lays out how it would prevent all kinds of illegal travel interrogations by the Department of Transportation, Amtrak, Surface Transportation Board, TSA, NTSB, Federal Maritime Commission, and the Department of Commerce. See what's happening here? The Biden Regime is about to set up Nazi vaccine passport police everywhere, to stop automobiles, commerce trucks, boats, trains, buses, planes, everything.

All interstate commerce, plus foreign and domestic travel rights for the USA are on the chopping block right now

The "conspiracy theorists" have been proven right once again. The Democrats want to wreck America with socialism and communism, and it's on full display right now. The insidious Diane Feinstein, Senator in California, and New York House of Representatives Democrat Ritchie Torres, have both introduced national legislation to REQUIRE vaccine (Nazi) passports for all foreign and domestic air travel. Let that sink in for a minute.