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IPFS News Link • Surveillance

The War On Cash Is Very Real, Not Just Speculation

• Technocracy.News

Technocracy's total surveillance ideology demands that anonymous cash transactions be removed from the economic system. Why? Because what cannot be monitored cannot be controlled, and cash transactions cannot be monitored! Thus, the future economy is being fully digitalized. ? TN Editor

In our bizarre economy, we hear many things, and ideas are constantly being thrown out to us. This all tends to flow together and help us develop a strategy as to how we should cope with the changing times. One thing we continue to hear is that a war is being waged to eliminate cash. Not only are most people going along with this but many have embraced the notion.

Some people view carrying cash as dangerous or burdensome. This also dovetails with their desire to spend more than they can afford, when using a credit card it is far easier to continue spending money you do not have. All things considered, when asked, is the war on cash a real thing being directed from those on high, sadly we must answer yes. Cash reflects "options for the people" and it appears those in charge of such things want in gone.