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IPFS News Link • Afghanistan

Why Did the USA Hand Afghanistan to China?

•, By Roger L. Simon

"The Chinese military is currently conducting a feasibility study about the effect of sending workers, soldiers and other staff related to its foreign economic investment program known as the Belt and Road Initiative in the coming years to Bagram, according to a source briefed on the study by Chinese military officials, who spoke to U.S. News on the condition of anonymity."

As Moon Unit Zappa used to say, "Gag me with a spoon!"

Feasibility study? You don't have to be Nostradamus to figure out how that's going to turn out, assuming it hasn't been done already and this is just a masquerade.

Why wouldn't the Chinese take over Bagram? It's sitting there.

And no real estate could be more apt for their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, also known as One Belt, One Road), essentially a large-scale bait-and-switch operation. The Chinese—in reality the Chinese Communist Party—lends the poor country—in this case the impoverished Taliban—money to modernize their infrastructure with the caveat that, if they don't pay off the loan in a certain amount of time, guess who owns said infrastructure?

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