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IPFS News Link • Drugs and Medications

New study proves that chlorine dioxide (MMS) blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from --

• by Ethan Huff

Japanese researchers have confirmed that chlorine dioxide, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS, is a safe and effective remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

A paper published in the journal Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics explains how MMS blocks the spike proteins associated with SARS-CoV-2 that are said to bind with human receptors such as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), allowing disease to form.

"Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful disinfectant that is known to inactivate both viruses and bacteria," the study's abstract reveals.

The stated purpose of the study was to see if chlorine dioxide directly inhibits the binding of the Chinese Virus Spike protein (S protein) to ACE2 receptors. The team conducted in vitro experiments with the British and South African "variants" of the Fauci Flu.