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IPFS News Link • Technocracy

Technocrats Are Determined To Reduce Every Human To A QR Code

• Technocracy.News

Technocracy's coup d'etat, in full swing, fully intends to flip the world into a Scientific Dictatorship where every human will be tracked, monitored and managed from cradle-to-cradle. The documentation about this is readily available and very clear. The only question is whether citizens will resist or not. ? TN Editor

Without fanfare and with hardly a peep from the corporate-owned establishment media, the United Nations World Health Organization, also known as the WHO, issued a document last week that should set off alarm bells for lovers of freedom and liberty everywhere.

The document provides "guidance" for every nation in the world on how to go about implementing digital health passports, which is something Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and other power elites have said since last year would be absolutely essential to conquering the Covid pandemic.