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HARMFUL LANGUAGE ALERT - National Archives - US Constitution and Declaration of Independence


'Harmful Language Alert': National Archives puts WARNING LABEL on US Constitution and Declaration of Independence

7 Sep, 2021 22:56 

'Harmful Language Alert': National Archives puts WARNING LABEL on US Constitution and Declaration of Independence

The US Constitution (1787) has been flagged for "harmful language" by the National Archives ©

Visitors to the National Archives website looking for the US founding documents are now greeted with labels warning of 'harmful language.' It isn't clear when the tags were added, but the move has angered some Republicans.

"Harmful Language Alert" labels can be found on pages displaying the scanned versions of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as the first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights.

The addition has caught the eye of Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado), who pointed it out on Tuesday.