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IPFS News Link • Afghanistan

Who's To Blame For Afghanistan?

• Ron Paul Institute - Peter Van Buren

Who should we blame for losing Afghanistan? Why blame anyone?

Why blame Biden? He played his part as a senator and vice president keeping the war going, but his role today is just being the last guy in a long line of people to blame, a pawn in the game. That Biden is willing to be the "president who lost Afghanistan" is all the proof you need he does not intend to run again for anything. Kind of an ironic version of a young John Kerry's take on Vietnam "how do you ask the last man to die for a mistake?" Turns out, it's easy: call Joe.

Blame Trump for the deal? One of the saddest things about the brutal ending of the US-Afghan war is we would have gotten the same deal—just leave it to the Taliban and go home—at basically any point during the last 20 years. That makes every death and every dollar a waste. Afghanistan is simply reverting, quickly, to more or less status quo ante September 11, 2001, and everything between then and now, including lost opportunities, will have been wasted.?

Blame the neocons? No one in Washington who supported this war was ever called out, with the possible exception of Donald Rumsfeld. Dick Cheney walks free. The generals and diplomats who ran the war have nice think tank or university jobs, if they are not still in government making equally bad decisions. No one has been legally, financially, or professionally disadvantaged by the blood on their hands. Some of the era's senior leaders—Blinken, Rice, Power, Nuland—are now working in better jobs for Biden. I'd like to hope they have trouble sleeping at night, but I doubt it.
