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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

REPORT: Kamala Harris Discussed "Complete Opening"...

•, By CitiGist

According to Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, he and Vice President Kamala Harris talked about "the complete opening" of the 2,000 mile border between the United States and Mexico. The announcement comes after the border has been closed to non-essential travel between the two countries.

Obrador tweeted, "We spoke again with Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States. In good terms, we dealt with the immigration issue, the complete opening of the northern border to reactivate our economies and continue with mutual cooperation to face the pandemic."

"The White House said the two leaders discussed ongoing bilateral cooperation to address 'irregular migration' to the shared U.S.-Mexican border, and agreed to focus on bolstering Central American economies through investment in agriculture and climate resilience," Reuters reported, adding, "The U.S. vice president also told Lopez Obrador that Washington was committed to sending additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Mexico, on top of the 4 million doses already delivered, the White House said."

Lopez Obrador told a morning news conference earlier that day, "This is what I'm going to suggest today, that we can demonstrate that we're not putting the population at risk."

Back in March of 2020, the Trump administration closed the southern border to limit the spread of COVID; Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad F. Wolf wrote:

U.S. and Mexican officials have mutually determined that non-essential travel between the United States and Mexico poses additional risk of transmission and spread of COVID-19 and places the populace of both nations at increased risk of contracting COVID-19. Moreover, given the sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus, maintaining the current level of travel between the two nations places the personnel staffing land ports of entry between the United States and Mexico, as well as the individuals traveling through these ports of entry, at increased risk of exposure to COVID-19.
