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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Eight Ways mRNA COVID Vaccine Can Kill You

• By Alexandra Bruce

She says, "When you inject the mRNA, the Messenger RNA starts to code for the spike protein…the NIH is now fighting with Moderna over patent rights, because you can't patent anything that's out in nature, so they had to manipulate the spike protein, in order to be able to patent it and then make an antibody to the spike protein.

"Well, this anti-spike protein antibody is deadly. It's absolutely deadly. And the first three papers I went through, I found that one of the things the spike protein does is it directly attacks lung tissue and breaks it down.

"The second thing that it does is it inhibits your M2 macrophages, which are your anti-inflammatory macrophages, so you get cytokine storm and you die.

"The third is that when that Messenger RNA goes in and makes an antibody to the spike protein, it binds it loosely, carries it into a cell and causes permanent replication. So it's like having an "On" button with no "Off" button. You're constantly making this little piece of protein develop more spike proteins against it, make more destruction.