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Leaked report reveals Moderna COVID vaccine caused 300,000 vaccine injuries in three-month

• Natural News - Lance Johnson

(Natural News) Moderna is new to the vaccine industry, and they are part of a global effort to introduce new mRNA spike protein replication technology to the field of vaccination. The company is also new to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), a government reporting database that collects incidences of vaccine injury and death. A leaked report from Moderna's data collection company reveals that the Moderna covid-19 vaccines have caused upwards of 300,000 vaccine injuries in a three-month time span – dwarfing the number of vaccine injuries Moderna actually reported to VAERS in that time frame.

CDC and FDA ignore hundreds of thousands of vaccine injuries

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manage VAERS and are well aware of the widespread injuries and deaths caused by these vaccines. VAERS is required to make these injuries public each and every week, even as the medical establishment continues to yawn and turn the other way. The VAERS database has published hundreds of thousands of vaccine injury reports in 2021, but the CDC and the FDA haven't done anything significant to address the wide-scale medical malpractice and wrongful death perpetuated by this bioweapon experiment. The CDC and the FDA refuse to take the vaccines off the market, and only warn young adults that the vaccines "rarely" cause heart problems, anaphylactic shock, and blood clots.

Moderna is legally required to forward all vaccine injury reports directly to VAERS, but they apparently aren't doing their part and are concealing massive amounts of vaccine injury data. If this data was shared in a timely and transparent manner, it would further corroborate the numerous, wide-scale injuries already being reported to VAERS.