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IPFS News Link • Worlds Wealthiest People

Bill Gates Says Relationship With Epstein Was "Huge Mistake"

• by Tyler Durden

Now that his divorce from Melinda French has been finalized (the marriage officially dissolved on Monday), Bill Gates is launching himself head-long into his campaign to rehabilitate his image as the avuncular tech-geek billionaire whose only goal is to make the world a healthier, and safer, place. Fortunately for Gates, his friends at CNN were more than happy to oblige with a softball interview that stands out for it's rank obsequiousness.

The interview, which was taped Wednesday night, begins with Anderson Cooper asking Gates: "On a personal level, how are you doing?"

Gates replied that his divorce was "a sad milestone" and that his ex-wife is a "great person and that partnership that we had coming to an end is a source of great personal sadness." Gates then noted that he and Melinda will attempt to continue working together at the Gates Foundation, as we have reported.