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COVID pandemic: OC restaurant gets backlash for requiring proof customers are not vaccinated


The owner of Basilico's Pasta e Vino spoke out against a backlash on Monday, after posting flyers outside his business and on social media requiring proof that customers are not vaccinated.

The flyers read: "Notice: Proof of being unvaccinated required. We have zero tolerance for treasonous, anti-American stupidity. Thank you for pondering."

Tanya Scheer, who cuts hair at a nearby barber shop, said she was aware of the owner's anti-mask, anti-vaccination stance.

They've been very open about it throughout the pandemic on their storefront and online.

Scheer, who is vaccinated, said she didn't feel unwelcomed by it.

"No, because you got other places that want you vaccinated to come in. No different, right? So no," Scheer said.

California to require vaccination or testing for state employees and health care workers

Many people are bothered, according to reviews on Yelp.