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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Minnesota Woman Loses Both Legs and Both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

• Need to Know

Jummai Nache and her husband migrated from Nigeria to Minnesota a few years ago and served as missionaries with the Southern Baptists to cultivate churches among African communities in Minneapolis. She was working as a medical assistant in Minneapolis and was instructed to get COVID "vaccines". She complied and, immediately after receiving the second injection of the Pfizer vaccine, on February 1, 2021, she began to experience pain.. She went to urgent care and was diagnosed with COVID-19. By February 14, she was taken to the hospital and put on a ventilator. Jummai was suffering from arterial blood clots, respiratory distress, cardiomyopathy, anemia, damage to fingers of both hands and toes of both feet, ischemia, and MIS (Multiple Inflammatory Syndrome). Due to the blood clots, she had to have both legs below the knee amputated and will also lose most of her two hands. -G Edward Griffin

Jummai's husband asks some thought provoking questions including why he did not catch COVID and, if Pfizer's vaccine did not defeat the virus, what role is it playing in her body? This is his statement:

My name is Philip Nache and my wife is Jummai. We are church planters with the North American Mission Board, sent to serve under MWBC in the Twin cities, Minnesota among the African community and also reaching out and training churches to know how to develop relationship with their Muslim neighbors. We had been missionaries in the northern part of Nigeria, an area dominated by Muslims for 20 years before we came to America to further our theological studies. God used us to bring many souls to the kingdom in Nigeria and many of those are now Missionaries and Pastors. Our ministry continues with adding converts here in the United States.