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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Unsafe and Ineffective

• Eric Peters Autos

People who've been Jabbed are getting sick – or at least, they are "testing positive" for the Epsilon Semi Moron or Plaid or Delta Blues "variant" of the sickness far too many people are obsessed with avoiding, even if the putative cure is worse than the possibility of sickness. In Israel, for instance, it has been reported that 40 percent of the new "cases" are among the Needled.

And it's not just in Israel. It is everywhere. Including, for instance, California – where the Face Effacing is resuming. And in Australia, where much worse (and what's likely coming, for us) is happening – notwithstanding all the Needling. 

How is this possible if what the Pope of Science – and his poodle, the Orange Fail – insist to be true is in fact true? A car that doesn't start 1 percent of the time isn't very effective and not many would buy it, if they knew about it.

Yet the people pushing this "cure" continue to hard-sell it, even as evidence accrues that it doesn't "work" as advertised and comes with a lot of fine print you're not allowed to read, too.