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Transhumanism: Immortality, Anyone?

• Organic Prepper - Aden Tate

You've likely heard a word tossed about in the narrative of late that has you somewhat dumbfounded: transhumanism.

What is Transhumanism? 

While the term has been around for decades, it's always been a fringe aspect of the scientific community. And by fringe, I mean fringe of the fringe. Nobody knew what transhumanism was. However, now the movement is growing like never before, and the well-informed American needs to know what it encompasses. 

The end goal of transhumanism: defeat suffering, pain, disease, inequality, and death through biotechnological implants.

Do you remember the Borg from Star Trek? While perhaps not as grotesque, transhumanism seeks a similar path to reach its end goal. In some cases, you can see aspects of transhumanism in today's culture. Ever seen anybody with a prosthetic leg? Transhumanists would claim them as one of their own.

But that only scratches the surface of the situation. A true transhumanist wants to see things go much further. Brain implants, neural links to the internet, and much more are all part of their ultimate goals.

And what is the ultimate goal?


The Difference Between Posthumanism and Transhumanism

It's important to note that there is a difference between transhumanism and Posthumanism. Yet, just as socialism is the stepping-stone to communism, one is the stepping-stone to the other.

Transhumanism seeks to use technological implants to improve the human condition.

Posthumanism aims to eradicate humanity as we know it altogether.

Within the realm of Posthumanism, the ultimate end goal is the death of death – to become immortal. And for that to happen, you have to become a machine. Such is the end goal of Posthumanism.

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